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US History Regents Short Essays "Industrialization 4" + Video Lessons

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History: USA


Grade 11

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US History Regents Short Essays "Industrialization 4" + Video Lessons

This product is a short essay task in the format of the new New York State Regents examination in US History and Government. 

Industrialization in late 19th and early 20th century America was far more than just the accumulation of capital that its defenders envisioned. The radical transformation of society that came as a result of industrialization and urbanization left no one out. Unprecedented problems required important government interventions to protect citizens from predatory corporations, child labor, labor abuses, and worker safety negligence.

If you are afraid to assign your students this as a test because they are not likely to do well at first and don’t want to bother their GPA, I recommend using standardized scoring. You can use the z-score calculator here at Innovation Assessments. Use 78 as your standard mean and 14.8 as your standardized standard deviation. Read more about standardized scoring here and where I got those figures. The beauty of this system is you can apply this to their grades every month and as the class improves, as the class average approaches the standardized mean (78 in this case), then the algorithm affects their scores less and less.

Product included in this resource:

  • Set 1, 2 documents

  • Set 2, 2 documents

  • Scoring rubric

  • Passcode to video lessons students can use to prepare the task.

For an extensive collection of similarly designed resources, visit my store here!


  • Excerpt from Supreme Court Opinion,  Northern Securities Co. v. United States, 193 U.S. 197 (1904)

  • Mrs. Langdon Stewardson requests funds for National Child Labor Committee, Geneva, NY, 1905

  • A printed broadside from Darlington, SC on 24 May 1889, beginning “Brothers of the Farmers’ Alliance,” about cotton bagging prices

  • "141 Men and Girls Die in Waist Factory Fire; Trapped High Up in Washington Place Building; Street Strewn with Bodies; Piles of Dead Inside "

Passcode Lessons:

  • 19th Century Economics, Part 1

  • 19th Century Economics, Part 2

  • Immigration, part 1

  • Immigration, part 2

  • The Rise of Organized labor

  • Pt. 1 Progressive Era

  • pt. 2 Progressive Era

  • Government Regulation of Business, 19th Century

About Innovation Passcodes

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Subscribers to Innovation can use a passcode to import the entire task into their own test question bank. There is no charge for subscribing to Innovation.

Read more about Innovation passcodes at the blog here.

Resource Tags

new york state regents us history and government short essay industrialization video lessons

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